Student Time Management

Students, your time is at least as precious as that of any human being living on this Earth. You certainly have even better things to do than to study, but you have to go through this stage to hope for a decent future. The best compromise between studying and not studying may be to study intelligently, which may include specific learning about how to manage your time. At a time when the digital book is starting slowly in France, I decided to write one. It wasn't planned, but here it is, I did it in a very rudimentary and synthetic way to get to the essential. Because a blog is one thing and a book is another, you have to know how to play complementarity. One day you may want to read articles and another day you may want to have a book to read either in a linear way or in a targeted way on a chapter theme. A book to read and reread to give yourself time to assimilate, and to test at your own pace to master each theme. This is an opportunity to give you the main lines of student time management, the list is not exhaustive.

Lost time

Think of everything that is time-consuming, the superfluous surrounds us, once you have identified it, remove it as much as possible, especially in delicate periods when the work overwhelms you.


If you put off until tomorrow what you could have done immediately, without any real good reason, it is a bad sign and the beginning of trouble, because the immediate time may be spent on futile things, so be careful!

Biological clocks

You must know your biological rhythms, there is nothing more universal than these markers that it is good to know how to respect if you do not want to find yourself unable to work at the moment you have decided to start working.

The schedule of priorities

Tasks, especially priorities, like everything else in your life, everything must be planned if you don't want to forget the essentials. It's certainly time-consuming, but it's for the right cause, yours!

Studying in a group

The ultimate solution to avoid spreading yourself too thin, especially if you're de-motivated or procrastinating, is to study in a group. As a bonus, you gain the right to confront the collective intelligence of your work group.

Regular work

To avoid last minute sprints, regular work is more than essential to assimilate at a rhythm adapted to our brain, which is a good way to also avoid unnecessary stress.


One method that allows you to get organized, to know where you are going, is to know how to anticipate, in particular to avoid unpleasant surprises that could be unmanageable if not taken into account early enough.

The information war

A time-consuming process worthy of our era, when access to information is increasingly easy, is the quantity of information to be managed, especially since it is necessary to distinguish the true from the false, and even the possible nuances that make it possible to fully understand a subject.


There is still time to learn how to read, quickly, beyond the famous diagonal reading, knowing how to be organized and selective on its many cumulative readings.

The editorial

Knowing how to write quickly, in a very organized way (a bit like speed reading), without trying to be in the spirit of the novelist who lets himself go, with optimized final rereadings.

As in exams

Do your own mock exams, it will be less stressful, and it will be a very important experience to be in good condition for the official mock exams or even the real ones.

The revision schedule

The final stretch with your real exams can be a special kind of work. It all depends on how effective you are at learning under normal circumstances, but scheduling your revisions over an appropriate amount of time will be a bonus in your success.
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